• AISHE Code- C-39829
  • SAMS Code- 07119301


Devi Vihar, Govindpur, Cuttack, Odisha, 754003

About University

The college provides hostel accommodation to a limited number of students. Devi Hostel is especially meant for SC, ST, and OBC girlsstudents. Total number of seats available is 45, out of which 15 seats are meant for SC while 15 seats are meant for ST and 15 seats are for General Girls.

  • Gymnasium
  • Library
  • Common dining
  • Common room
  • Library and reading room

Applications for admission to the hostel are received in the college office along with the applications for admission to the college. The available seats in the hostel are distributed class-wise. Admission to the hostels is made by college authorities strictly based on merit. Casual vacancies are filled up by the superintendent based on merit with prior approval of the Principal.

Devi Hostel Admission Fees for the year 2023-24 is Rupees 7000.00 for all SC, ST, and General Girls Students which is to be collected during the time of admission into the college.

    1. Each boarder must register in the hostel office the address of her legal/local guardians duly certified by her parents or natural guardian and submita photo identity card and residential proof to the hostel superintendent. The local guardian should be a responsible married person staying with family inCuttack.
    2. The full signature of the father, mother, the local guardians, and the student must be made in the hostel admission forms with the contact telephone/mobile number with complete postal address. The relationship of the local guardian or natural guardian instead ofthe parents must be mentioned in the admission form.
    3. Boarders should put their signature at the time of departure and arrival in the hostel. They are directed to put time also in the register and write clearly the purpose of their going to outside of the hostel.
    4. No boarders should argue with any of the staff of the hostel including the security staff.
    5. Boarders shall not leave the hostel without obtaining prior permission from the superintendent of the hostel concerned. They are only allowed to leave the hostel and return with parents or authorized local guardians with the permission of the Superintendent/ Assistant Superintendent of the hostel. The parents should apply for such temporary absence and the permission will be given by the superintendent.
    6. Boarders who will go out with prior permission must return by 5.30 sharp. Absence during evening roll call for three days during a month will amount to indiscipline and will be intimated to her parents
    7. No boarder is permitted to change her allotted room and bed without permission of the Superintendent of the concerned hostel
    8. Study hours shall be strictly adhered to on all days during the session from 7 am to 9 am to 10 pm which can be relaxed in the evening of Saturday and on festive days at the discretion of the Superintendent. No boarder should disturb her roommates in any way.
    9. Absence from the hostel for a day or more should be intimated to the Hostel office/ Superintendent.
    10. Boarders must pay their hostel dues by the 10th of every month.
    11. Boarders should take their meals in a disciplined way. No one should shout or quarrel or cause any kind of disturbance in the dining hall. One should wait outside till a vacancy occurs. One should not take their meals outside the dining hall.
    12. Meals will be served only during specified hours notified in the hostel from time to time. No one can claim his meals outside these hours. Meals will be only served in the dining hall.
    13. No boarder is allowed to bring any type of cooked food from outside the hostel premises.
    14. Every boarder is responsible for the care of the hostel properly she uses. Boarders will be charged for all damages caused to the hostel property used by them individually or collectively.
    15. Light for reading purpose and ceiling fans is provided by the hostel. Every boarder leaving her room even for a few minutes has to switching off the light. Boarders are not permitted to use any electrical appliances (such as heaters of any size and capacity) or all types of electronic gadgets like laptops, pocket transistors, iPads, radios and digital cameras etc. other than light or fans. Boarders will make their own arrangements for electric bulbs.
    16. In order to safeguard against theft, boarders are advised to use strong types of locks. No ward-servant or any other hostel or mess employee should be asked by a boarder to do any job exclusively of a personal nature.
    17. A boarder is not allowed to keep any visitor in her room. Visitors are not allowed to see the borders during study hours. In case of emergency, a visitor should wait at the entrance with intimation to the boarder concerned and the boarder will come to meet him/her.
    18. The following shall be considered as a breach of discipline.
      • Absence from the hostel without prior permission from the Superintendent/ Ass. Superintendent duly forwarded by the matron.
      • Continuous neglect of studies.
      • Lack of cleanliness and tidiness in the rooms
      • Sitting outside the rooms and verandah
      • Singing or playing any musical instruments
      • Making a noise.
      • Writing or any other way disfiguring the walls, doors or windows or the building
      • Calling bad names or showing any other derogatory behavior towards the hostel and mess employees.
      • Use of the heaters in the rooms.
      • Use of drugs intoxicants or consumption of alcoholic drinks.
      • Smoking inside the hostel premises
      • Ragging in any form and encouraging ragging is liable to severe punishment.
      • Misconduct in any other descriptions.
      • Light off at 10 P.M. and boarders are instructed to stay in their room after 10 P.M.
    19. A student shall cease to be boarder of the hostel in the following cases and she is required to vacate the hostel with her belongings.
      • From the date of taking her CLC.
      • Within two days after the completion of the final examination, practical examinations of the students having subjects with practical.
      • The border slip of a student will cease if she defaults on payments of hostel dues and college dues for two consecutive months.
      • Boarders causing physical and mental torture to any other boarder shall forfeit their seats in the hostel and will have to vacate the hostel.
    20. The boarders must not spit on the walls of the hostel, floors, pillars, or doors of the hostel building, pasting placards or posters or otherwise disfiguring hostel walls is strictly prohibited.
    21. Boarders are warned against tampering with electrical fittings and water taps in the hostel building
    22. Cases of sickness must immediately be brought to the notice of the matron and superintendent of the hostel.
    23. There should not be any slackness in enforcing discipline in the hostel. The superintendent/Assistant Superintendent will make surprise visit in the hostel during study hours. Any act of indiscipline and untoward incident will be reported to the Principal for remedial action under intimation to the parent/ local guardian.
    24. of visitors will be allowed to call on any boarder after 6.00 P.M. in case of emergency, parents/ guardians can meet their ward with prior permission from the Superintendent/ Assistant Superintendent.
    25. Every boarder must use a mosquito net.
    26. Boarders should maintain perfect discipline inside and outside of the hostel. Disciplinary action will be taken against the indiscipline unruly borders
      • Intimates to parents
      • Intimates to Principal
    27. During class hours whether or not a boarder is attending classes is not the lookout of the hostel staff.
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